About Us

Hi! I am SO happy you're here. 

My name is Kelby Sparks. Momma & small business owner. I have a 8-year-old son Stetson & a 3-year-old daughter Steely, they are such a mess! Both have been raised in paint as I like to say. They have eaten their fair share of it and have messed up numerous orders. I know I'll look back on these days and miss it so badly... maybe! 😂 


5 Years apart and they managed to make the biggest messes in almost the same shade of blue. HOW. WHY. 

Stetson is the reason Sparks Of Love is even a thing. I was in college doodling on my notes when I found out I was pregnant. Little did I know what my future was going to hold. Fast forward 8 months or so and I was tossing around Hospital Door Hanger ideas, had seen a few here and there, they were not this big of a deal back then. I couldn't find what i was looking for so decided to make my own. Looking at this photo now is so cringy for me but humbling also. Proof that practice really does make progress! 

 Anyways, the power of word of mouth in a small town did its magic and my messages started to blow up. Over that ugly door hanger!! Plans were to stay home with Stetson while he was little and do this for a little side money. Go back to finish college and potentially have a career in occupational therapy. With alllll the doodles on my notes LOL! But instead, we grew, grew and grew. Outgrew the bedroom, outgrew the living room. And was able to get a 12x40 portable building which we refer to as The Shop, She Shed, Office, Bish Barn, a BLESSING, my biggest baby. It is my actual HAPPY PLACE. Here’s a little how it started and how it’s going update ❤️

My abilities continued to get better, and the orders steadily came in. I believe that my love for painting shows through my pieces and who wants to give that up? I hope to not ever regret not going back to college, and it has crossed my mind so many times the past several years. It is drilled into our heads so young to go to college or you won't make anything out of yourself. My hardheaded self is determined to make that statement irrelevant. What would the world be without artist? Tradesmen and women! College is not for everyone, even though I had the brains to get through doesn't mean that's what I'm here to do. I whole heartedly believe God has me right where I need to be! and I thank him every single day for this opportunity. I hope you'll stick around to follow our journey whether that be through blog posts on our website, Facebook, TikTok or even ordering a thing or two! I would love to add a little spark of love to your life! 

XO, Kelby ❤